IMI, ISM University and SIMI Certified Training

IM Campus Blog

Stay up-to-date with mediation and ADR news, analysis, opinion pieces, interesting facts and further insights into our international online mediation training.

Posted 3 Jul 2024
IM Campus is supporting the CDRC mediation competition because participating as parties in a mock mediation is often the first step into a lifelong passion for mediation and may lead to a career in this field.
Posted 20 Jun 2024
In its commitment to serving as an institution dedicated to preventing, de-escalating, managing, resolving, and transforming conflicts into opportunities for positive change, the DC Mediation and Dispute Resolution Institute organized a virtual event with the theme “Neutrality Trap: The Danger of Staying Silent.”
Posted 8 Nov 2023
CONSENSUS GmbH has a rich history of successfully executing projects that exemplify our commitment to conflict management and leadership development. Our portfolio includes various projects carried out across various industries, with nonprofit and governmental institutions, where we have consistently demonstrated our ability to foster collaboration, resolve disputes, and cultivate effective leadership.
Posted 16 Oct 2023
Mediation is a voluntary process in which a neutral third party, the mediator, helps two or more people communicate and negotiate to reach a mutually agreeable resolution of a dispute. Mediation is often used to resolve family law disputes, such as divorce and child custody, but it can also be used to resolve other types of disputes, such as business disputes and employment disputes.
Posted 16 Oct 2023
Culture is a complex concept that encompasses a wide range of beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors. It can influence the way people communicate, negotiate, and resolve disputes. Mediators need to be aware of the role of culture in mediation in order to be effective in helping disputants from different cultural backgrounds reach a mutually agreeable resolution.
Posted 16 Oct 2023
Mediation is a voluntary process in which a neutral third party, the mediator, helps two or more people communicate and negotiate to reach a mutually agreeable resolution of a dispute. Mediation is often used to resolve business disputes, such as contract disputes, employment disputes, and shareholder disputes.
Posted 1 Aug 2023
We are thrilled to announce that Consensus GmbH with the International Mediation Campus has achieved certification with the prestigious Singapore International Mediation Institute (SIMI).
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Posted 13 Apr 2023
Every person embodies the modes of child, parent and adult. So, what makes people different from each other?
Blog, blog turkish
Posted 13 Apr 2023
In the previous blog post, we mentioned creation period of child, parent and adult modes underlying our expressions. In the mediation negotiations, it is possible to observe these modes both from the mediator’s and participants’ point of view.
Blog, blog turkish
Posted 12 Apr 2023
One of the main factors influencing our communication is our parent, child and adult modes. Each constitutes another record of our personality and contains different voices. During a conflict, they of course remain in action to influence our communication.
Posted 24 Mar 2023
Traditionally, the practice of mediation was very common in the Middle East, especially in Lebanon; whenever two individuals were in a conflictual situation, they always sought the help of their clan or religious leaders to solve their quarrels.
Posted 9 Mar 2023
To most people, negotiation is a battle of words. They are all about reaching an agreement. They get blinded by the myth fueled by their biases that they are there to claim their client’s most significant percentage of the pie. That mindset prompts them to approach negotiation adversarially and aggressively.