IMI, ISM University and SIMI Certified Training

Complete our Online Mediation Training Course in your local language

Our international mediation training consist of 40 hours live online sessions over a 12 week or 1 week intensive period where we cover different areas of mediation, negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). The training meets international standards and is certified by the International Mediation Institute (IMI), the Singapore International Mediation Institute (SIMI) and the International School of Management (ISM).”

Available Languages and Countries

Train in

Online Mediation Training course in Ukrainian with local Ukrainian trainers certified by IM Campus.

Train in

Online Mediation Training course in Turkish with local Turkish trainers certified by IM Campus.

Train in

Online Mediation Training course in Nigeria with local Nigerian trainers certified by IM Campus

Train in

Online Mediation Training course in Nigeria with local Nigerian trainers certified by IM Campus

Train in

Online Mediation Training course in Persian with local trainers who are certified by IM Campus

Train in

Online Mediation Training course in Russian with local trainers who are certified by IM Campus

Train in

Online Mediation Training course in India with local Indian trainers certified by IM Campus

Your contact persons

We are here to help

Alexandra Kieffer

Alexandra Kieffer is a certified mediator with a background of peace and conflict studies and responsible for international networks and training and happy to answer all your questions.

Seylendra Steiner

Seylendra Steiner holds a Bachelor's degree in Business, Economics, and International Relations. She is currently pursuing an M.A. in Development Studies with a focus on conflicts. At IMC, she is responsible for the coordination and management of courses.

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