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Ana Maria Maia Gonçalves

Business leader in global organizations, educator, mediator and executive coach


Ana´s professional expertise in online dispute resolution (ODR) has focused on enhancing the quality of the mediation practice using ICT- information and communication technology.
  • Founder and president of the Institute for Certification and Training of Portuguese-speaking Mediators (ICFML), the leading mediation organization in Brazil and Portugal.
  • With a rich experience in learning, practicing and teaching mediation worldwide, Ana is prepared to mediate in a unique way.
  • Has experience in cross-border disputes in Europe, Australia and the United States.
  • Being very active across borders and cultures, she has focused her practice in recent years on the impact of online technology on the skills of ADR facilitators.
  • Since 2015, she is the co-chair of the International Mediation Institute ODR taskforce.
  • Co-authored several papers in the International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution and launched in 2019 the first ODR Practitioner Certification Program available both in Portuguese and English.
  • A Mediator of the Global Mediation Panel of the Office of the Ombudsman for UN Funds and Programmes and a fellow of the National Center for Technology & Dispute Resolution.
  • Speaks Portuguese, French and English fluently.
  • Currently teaches Alternative Dispute Resolution at Master level at the Catholic University in Porto.
  • A graduate from UAL Lisbon (2008). She has two children and lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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United Kingdom
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