Only a few places left! REGISTER TODAY for our internationally accredited Course in Mediation.

IMI, ISM University and SIMI Certified Training

Noam Ebner

Professor of negotiation and conflict resolution at Creighton University

United States of America

Noam Ebner is a professor of negotiation and conflict resolution at Creighton University. Previously, Noam he taught at universities around the world while practicing as an attorney, negotiator, mediator, and mediator trainer.

Noam has worked at the crossroads of conflict resolution and technology in practice, teaching, and research for over fifteen years. He was an early innovator in the realm of online teaching of negotiation and conflict resolution as well as in the realm of online negotiation and dispute resolution.

Noam is a fellow of the National Center for Technology & Dispute Resolution and a regular speaker on issues related to conflict, resolution, and technology.

Starts 12 Jul 2022
Led by Noam Ebner
Registration is Free
Registration Ended

In the past decade, the fields of negotiation and mediation have gradually explored applications of technology in dispute resolution. The COVID-19 era, in which all professionals transitioned their practice online, has sharply accelerated this process.

Featured IM Campus contributors

Fidana Alieva is a mediation and negotiation practitioner in commercial, employment, workplace, family business and other disputes. She has been working as a dispute resolution professional for more than ten years now (since 2012), mediating, negotiating and arbitrating regionally and internationally. As a dispute resolution professional, she participated in over 200 disputes, including quite complex cases with international organizations’ participation, multi-party disputes and online mediation.
United Kingdom
Dr Nadine Ansorg is a Senior Lecturer in International Conflict Analysis at the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Kent, and a Research Fellow at the GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies in Hamburg.
Dr Adeyemi Agbelusi is Principal Partner, Berean Associates involved in resolving disputes throughout Nigeria and other Jurisdictions.
United Kingdom
Catherine Davidson is a nationally accredited mediator (NMAS) and IMI Certified mediator practising in Australia and internationally.
Sezil Durmuş is an Attorney at Law registered in Istanbul Bar and a Mediator registered in Turkish Ministry of Justice. She focuses her practice on Contracts Law, Corporate Law and Employment Law by assisting her clients in structuring and negotiating legal transactions.