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Birsen Atakan

Lawyer and Sociologist


Birsen Atakan is a lawyer and sociologist. She is an attorney at law registered in the Istanbul Bar Association and a Mediator registered in the Mediators Registry under the Ministry of Justice. She works in the fields of nonviolent communication, conflict management/transformation, mediation
  • In addition to mediation, consultancy, mentoring and coaching services, she provides trainings and workshops for the private entities and NGOs in the fields of conflict management, mediation, nonviolent communication, nonviolence, gender and gender-based violence, physical and mental empowerment of women against sexist violence.
  • She participated, worked, or volunteered for various non-governmental organizations, which provide shelters and support to women, struggle against violence including sexual violence, increase awareness on gender equality, promote mediation and other peacebuilding methods. Few of those are (with their Turkish names): Mor Çatı Kadın Sığınağı Vakfı, Kadın Sığınakları ve Da(ya)nışma Merkezleri Kurultayı, Kadınlarla Dayanışma Vakfı, Filmmor Kadın Kooperatifi, Barış İçin Kadın Girişimi, BPW İş ve Meslek Sahibi Kadınlar Federasyonu, Biz Bizzee Derneği, Cinsel Şiddetle Mücadele Derneği, İstanbul Sözleşmesi Grubu, Şiddetsizlik Eğitim ve Araştırma Merkezi, İnsan Hakları Derneği, Arabuluculuk Gönüllüleri Derneği, Akran Arabuluculuğu Grubu, Akrander, Pro Bono Hukuki Destek Ağı, Dönüştürücü Aktivizm Grubu, Akdeniz Kadın Arabulucular Ağı Türkiye Anteni.

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United States of America
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As an established member of the Chambers of Ronny Wong S. C., Vod K. S. Chan is a barrister, international arbitrator and mediator practising in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HK).
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Anat Cabili is a mediator, facilitator and attorney (admitted to the Israeli Bar Association in 1998). She has been practicing mediation and facilitation since 2006 and owns a private mediation business in Israel.