IMI, ISM University and SIMI Certified Training

Mike Waite

Associate Practitioner

United Kingdom

Mike Waite is an experienced mediator, trainer and researcher who lives in southwest Scotland.

He was a youth and community worker with a number of municipal councils and charities in northwest England, and worked as the senior local government officer responsible for community cohesion and equalities at Burnley Council following racialised disturbances and riots in 2001, holding this role during the years when far-right councillors were winning local elections in the town. He was a lead practitioner with the Keeping Our Cool initiative around protests and demonstrations at COP 26.

Starts 14 Mar 2023
Led by International Mediator Campus
Registration is free
Registration Ended

The street is often a space where people gather to be heard. The Scottish-based Centre for Good Relations (Centre for Good Relations – Civic Mediation – HOME HOME ) has explored how mediation and dialogue can support protestors, the police and communities to navigate this space so that people can be heard, helping to balance the rights of parties in non-violent ways. In this webinar we will:

· share some learning from our experiences at COP 26 (Glasgow, November 2021) and other protests in England and Scotland,

· explore how spaces for mediation can be carved out in contested situations,

· consider how to prepare to intervene during protests,

· consider the role and limitations of mediation to enable better/constructive communication between stakeholders in protest situations

Featured IM Campus contributors

Dr Adeyemi Agbelusi is Principal Partner, Berean Associates involved in resolving disputes throughout Nigeria and other Jurisdictions.
Greg was born in the UK and lives and works in Germany. He teaches mediation, negotiation and cross-cultural communication in commercial law, management and MBA programmes at the Technical University of Wildau, Berlin, Germany, where he also coordinates an internal conflict advisory service.
Alexandra Kieffer began her path to conflict resolution and mediation by studying sociology, economics and the Joint Master Degree "Peace and Conflict Studies" in Germany and England.
United Kingdom
Professor Feargal Cochrane was born and educated in Belfast and has been publishing and teaching on Northern Ireland and wider themes of violent political conflict and peacebuilding for 30 years.
Miglė is a lawyer and an active state-certified mediator. She is also a scientific expert on mediation, having concentrated on comparative aspects of laws on mediation in many European jurisdictions during her PhD research and her work with the CEPEJ Working Group on Mediation.