Only a few places left! REGISTER TODAY for our internationally accredited Course in Mediation.

IMI, ISM University and SIMI Certified Training

Alexandra Kieffer

Member of the Management Team, Certified Mediator & Head of Training in the CONSENSUS Team


Alexandra Kieffer began her path to conflict resolution and mediation by studying sociology, economics and the Joint Master Degree “Peace and Conflict Studies” in Germany and England.

She is a certified mediator and Senior Programme Manager in the national (CONSENSUS Campus) and international (IM Campus) training area of CONSENSUS. After working as a consultant in the field of political communication, she is now mainly responsible for international projects on conflict resolution, communication and mediation at CONSENSUS.

Posted 20 Nov 2024
International Mediation Campus is partnering with the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany to offer scholarships on our mediation training
Posted 3 Jul 2024
IM Campus is supporting the CDRC mediation competition because participating as parties in a mock mediation is often the first
Posted 1 Aug 2023
We are thrilled to announce that Consensus GmbH with the International Mediation Campus has achieved certification with the prestigious Singapore
Posted 23 Nov 2022
International Mediation Campus is partnering with the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany to offer scholarships on our mediation training
Posted 4 Jan 2022
The International Investor-State Mediation Competition (IIMC) Colombo will provide a global platform for mediation enthusiasts to learn from the best
Posted 11 Nov 2021
International Mediation Campus is partnering with the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany to offer scholarships on our mediation training
Posted 19 Oct 2021
What happens to disconnect us from our compassionate nature, leading us to behave violently?“ or “What allows some people to
Posted 8 Oct 2021
Esther Omam from Cameroon, one of our participants at our international mediation training, is one of the finalists for the
Posted 8 Oct 2021
International Mediators – voices of our alumni about their journey learning about mediation and alternative dispute resolution

Featured IM Campus contributors

James is a mediator, arbitrator, and law professor at Rikkyo University in Tokyo. He previously practiced international dispute resolution at law firms in Paris and was legal counsel at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes of the World Bank in Washington.
Constantin-Adi Gavrilă received his constitutional law PhD from the University of Craiova with emphasis on “Mediation and Access to Justice” and is a well-known Romanian mediator with 20 years of experience in the field of dispute resolution.
Ana´s professional expertise in online dispute resolution (ODR) has focused on enhancing the quality of the mediation practice using ICT- information and communication technology.
Diego Faleck is a full-time mediator, settlement counsel and a dispute systems designer established in Brazil, with a unique track record in national and international business mediation cases and disputes systems design for major national disasters and special situations.
United Kingdom
Catherine Davidson is a nationally accredited mediator (NMAS) and IMI Certified mediator practising in Australia and internationally.