فقط چند جای خالی، باقی مانده است! امروز برای دوره بین المللی و معتبر آموزش میانجیگری ما، ثبت نام نمایید.

IMI, ISM University and SIMI Certified Training

Ana Maria Maia Gonçalves

Business leader in global organizations, educator, mediator and executive coach


Ana´s professional expertise in online dispute resolution (ODR) has focused on enhancing the quality of the mediation practice using ICT- information and communication technology.
  • Founder and president of the Institute for Certification and Training of Portuguese-speaking Mediators (ICFML), the leading mediation organization in Brazil and Portugal.
  • With a rich experience in learning, practicing and teaching mediation worldwide, Ana is prepared to mediate in a unique way.
  • Has experience in cross-border disputes in Europe, Australia and the United States.
  • Being very active across borders and cultures, she has focused her practice in recent years on the impact of online technology on the skills of ADR facilitators.
  • Since 2015, she is the co-chair of the International Mediation Institute ODR taskforce.
  • Co-authored several papers in the International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution and launched in 2019 the first ODR Practitioner Certification Program available both in Portuguese and English.
  • A Mediator of the Global Mediation Panel of the Office of the Ombudsman for UN Funds and Programmes and a fellow of the National Center for Technology & Dispute Resolution.
  • Speaks Portuguese, French and English fluently.
  • Currently teaches Alternative Dispute Resolution at Master level at the Catholic University in Porto.
  • A graduate from UAL Lisbon (2008). She has two children and lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Featured IM Campus contributors

United Kingdom
Dr Nadine Ansorg is a Senior Lecturer in International Conflict Analysis at the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Kent, and a Research Fellow at the GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies in Hamburg.
Constantin-Adi Gavrilă received his constitutional law PhD from the University of Craiova with emphasis on “Mediation and Access to Justice” and is a well-known Romanian mediator with 20 years of experience in the field of dispute resolution.
Francesca is a civil and commercial mediator, with almost two decades of experience and thousands of mediated cases.
Ran is an Associate Professor of Dispute Resolution (expert track) at the University of Haifa, where he teaches in the International Graduate Program in Peace and Conflict Management Studies.
Fidana Alieva is a mediation and negotiation practitioner in commercial, employment, workplace, family business and other disputes. She has been working as a dispute resolution professional for more than ten years now (since 2012), mediating, negotiating and arbitrating regionally and internationally. As a dispute resolution professional, she participated in over 200 disputes, including quite complex cases with international organizations’ participation, multi-party disputes and online mediation.