IMI, ISM University and SIMI Certified Training

Why We Can Discuss Diversity/Anti-Discrimination in Mediation Proceedings

Starts 18 Jun 2024
Led by Agnes Dyszlewski
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In the mediation process, we create a space for dialogue among people. This requires us as mediators to be sensitized to different life realities and, consequently, to forms of discrimination, criticism of racism, privileges, and power. This also includes reflecting on our own position as speakers. Additionally, the mediation process can certainly be used by mediators to address such issues. Agnes Dyszlewski, as an industrial psychologist and anti-discrimination trainer, provides insights into her approach as a mediator sensitive to discrimination and critical of power, who also works on discrimination incidents in the workplace context.

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Agnes Dyszlewski is an economic psychologist and a certified mediator BM®. She works as a mediator, trainer, facilitator, and coach. Her work is characterized by a discrimination-critical and mindfulness-based approach. Since 2017, her main focus has been on antidiscrimination. As an educational trainer, she has worked as a workshop leader in educational institutions in the areas of racism criticism, gender, and sexuality, among others.

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Mariana Contreras

Mariana Contreras Leal holds a Bachelor's degree in International Relations and an M.A. in Global South Studies, with a focus on culture, society, and politics. As the Community Manager and Marketing Associate at Consensus Group, she thrives in bringing people from all around the world together. She has also completed her mediation training.

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