IMI, ISM University and SIMI Certified Training

IM Campus Scholarship at the Bucerius Law School

Posted 23 Nov 2022

IM Campus partners with the Bucerius Mediation CompetitionEnter the International Mediation Campus Raffle for your chance to receive a scholarship on our mediation training packages.

International Mediation Campus is partnering with the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany to offer scholarships on our mediation training packages to candidates who are interested in further developing their skills in mediation.

For your chance to receive an IM Campus scholarship, please take part in the raffle below.

IM Campus Scholarship Form

Mediation Training Offers(Required)
Please select the mediation training offer you are interested in for a chance to receive a scholarship. You can select all four offers but the scholarship will only apply to one.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Bucerious Mediation Competition

The Bucerius Mediation Competition by BODENHEIMER is an international mediation competition organised by students of Bucerius Law School every year since 2015

Head of Operations

Alexandra Kieffer began her path to conflict resolution and mediation by studying sociology, economics and the Joint Master Degree "Peace and Conflict Studies" in Germany and England.

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Your contact persons

We are here to help

Alexandra Kieffer

Alexandra Kieffer is a certified mediator with a background of peace and conflict studies and responsible for international networks and training and happy to answer all your questions.

Seylendra Steiner

Seylendra Steiner holds a Bachelor's degree in Business, Economics, and International Relations. She is currently pursuing an M.A. in Development Studies with a focus on conflicts. At IMC, she is responsible for the coordination and management of courses.