Only a few places left! REGISTER TODAY for our internationally accredited Course in Mediation.

IMI, ISM University and SIMI Certified Training

Bespoke Mediation and Conflict Resolution Training For Teams

For those who want to train their team in conflict management and mediation skills. Teams who want to train together in negotiation, communication and conflict resolution skills can enrol on our team training where participants and trainers meet live and have interactive and engaging sessions.

What to expect

Learn more about how we can help your team level up their skills in the workplace. We can deliver a tailored training to help your managers improve their communication, mediation and conflict management skills.

Continued Professional Development

Enrolling your team on our bespoke team training helps increase their skill, productivity and overall staff satisfaction and retention.

Work better in multicultural Teams

Our courses in conflict management will help teams who have a diverse and multicultural make, with new communication skills.

Improve Your Management Skills

In addition to daily tasks, todays managers need the transferable skills our training offers to navigate the complexities of managing people.

Our training is tailored to your needs

We offer tailored training packages for small teams of 3 or more people. We can provide quotes for having a trainer deliver a presentation in person or online on your team training day.

Alexandra Kieffer

Alexandra Kieffer is a certified mediator with a background of peace and conflict studies and responsible for international networks and training and happy to answer all your questions.

Seylendra Steiner

Seylendra Steiner holds a Bachelor's degree in Business, Economics, and International Relations. She is currently pursuing an M.A. in Development Studies with a focus on conflicts. At IMC, she is responsible for the coordination and management of courses.