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IMI, ISM University and SIMI Certified Training

Self-Paced Online Courses about Mediation, ADR and Conflict Management

Study mediation, ADR, and conflict management whenever you want, wherever you want. Our self-paced online courses are flexible and high-quality, with unlimited access. The study material comprises video lessons, articles, slides, case studies, reading lists, exercises, and quizzes.

Certified Mediation, ADR and Conflict Management Courses

International Mediation Campus is an IMI-accredited training institution. Every time you complete a self-paced online course, you will receive a reputable certificate to add to your CV or resume. We provide International Mediation Campus and ISM University certificates depending on the specific online course. Our certificates will help you advance your career in the mediation, alternative dispute resolution and conflict management sectors. View our online courses below.

Study mediation and conflict resolution principles and techniques. Complete this course and receive an IM Campus certificate.

Gain knowledge and practical skills in international business and commercial mediation. Complete this course and receive an ISM University certificate.
Learn how to manage conflicts in the workplace effectively. Complete this course and receive an ISM University certificate.

Bu eğitim sizi arabuluculuk ve alternatif uyuşmazlık çözümü (ADR) ile tanıştıracak ve çatışma yönetimi hakkındaki bilgilerinizi derinleştirecektir

Dieser Kurs beschäftigt sich mit Konfliktmanagement am Arbeitsplatz in Theorie und Praxis. Das Lernmaterial besteht aus Videovorträgen, Folien, Artikeln und Übungen. Nach Abschluss des Kurses erhalten Sie ein Zertifikat von der Hochschule International School of Management (ISM) und dem International Mediation Campus (IM Campus).
Ce cours vous initie à la médiation internationale et aux modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits (MARC), et approfondit vos connaissances en matière de gestion des conflits.Vous apprendrez les principes fondamentaux et les méthodes pour faciliter la médiation et la résolution des conflits dans différents contextes.
Ce cours vous initie à la médiation internationale et aux modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits (MARC), et approfondit vos connaissances en matière de gestion des conflits. Vous apprendrez les principes fondamentaux et les méthodes pour faciliter la médiation et la résolution des conflits dans différents contextes.

What to Expect From Our Online Mediation Courses

Become a specialist in mediation, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and conflict management with our self-paced online courses.

Benefits of our online courses

Material provided

Topics covered

Ready to begin your learning journey?

As an IM Campus-trained mediator, you also become part of an international network of mediators – IM Campus Fellows. By joining our global community, you get to meet other mediators, exchange ideas and best practices and participate in activities and events.

Alexandra Kieffer

Alexandra Kieffer

Alexandra Kieffer is a certified mediator with a background of peace and conflict studies and responsible for international networks and training and happy to answer all your questions.

Dr. Andrea Hartmann-Piraudeau

Dr. Andrea Hartmann-Piraudeau is an international certified mediator and conflict expert with a broad international network and many years of experience in mediation and ADR. She is responsible for curriculum and research.