
IMI, ISM University and SIMI Certified Training

10 Facts about Mediation 

Posted 17 Feb 2023

1. An introduction to mediation: what is mediation and how does it work?   

Mediation is a form of conflict resolution in which a neutral third party (the mediator) acts as an intermediary between the parties in conflict. The mediator helps the parties understand their interests and needs, find compromises, and reach a solution that is acceptable to all parties. Unlike litigation, mediation focuses on understanding between the parties, which is why it is often considered a more effective alternative to litigation.   

2. The 5-phase process of mediation: how to use mediation efficiently and successfully?   

The 5-phase process of mediation consists of the preparation phase, the opening phase, the information exchange phase, the negotiation phase and the closing phase. In the preparation phase, the objectives, agenda and process of the mediation are set, while in the opening phase, the parties present their positions. In the information exchange phase, the parties ask each other questions to learn more about each other’s positions. In the negotiation phase, constructive options are developed, while in the conclusion phase, a document is signed to record the outcome of the mediation.   

3. The different types of mediation: what are the approaches?   

There are different approaches to mediation. Most mediation approaches are based on the principle of reconciliation of interests, where the parties reach an agreement through negotiation. Other approaches involve conflict transformation, in which the parties reach agreement by strengthening their understanding of each other as well as the complexity of the conflict. Another approach is integrative mediation, which focuses on the parties developing new ideas together through a creative process.

4. The advantages of mediation: why should mediation be considered? 

Mediation has many advantages. For one, it is a less expensive way to resolve conflicts than litigation. It is also a faster way, as it takes only a short time to reach an agreement. Further, it is a flexible way because the parties have control over the outcome. Finally, it is a less formal way because the parties can conduct the mediation in a less formal setting.   

5. How to find a mediator: How do you find a qualified mediator? 

To find a qualified mediator, make a list of local mediation centers in your area and look at the mediators’ certifications and experience. It is important to find a mediator who can resolve a specific type of conflict, such as business disputes, family disputes, or employment disputes. You can also check references and talk to some of the mediators’ previous clients to learn more about their skills and experience.   

6. The cost of mediation: how much does mediation cost?   

The cost of mediation depends on several factors, including the experience of the mediator, the complexity of the conflict, and the duration of the mediation. As a general rule, the cost of mediation can range from 500 to 5,000 euros. It is also possible to take advantage of government-sponsored mediation programs, which are usually free of charge. However, these programs may include a limited number of sessions.   

7. The ethics of mediation: what ethical principles should mediators follow?   

There are a number of ethical principles that mediators should observe. These include truthfulness, impartiality, and confidentiality. It is also important that mediators respect the interests and needs of all parties and do not force the parties to reach an agreement but encourage them to find a solution that is acceptable to all parties.   

8. The importance of communication in mediation: how to use communication effectively to make a mediation successful?   

Communication is the key to making a mediation successful. Mediators must facilitate communication between the parties by encouraging the parties to talk to each other rather than blaming each other or trying to convince the other side. Mediators should also try to improve communication between the parties by teaching the parties to listen to and understand each other.   

9. Negotiation techniques in mediation: how to make negotiations in mediation successful?   

Negotiation techniques are an important part of mediation. One of the most important techniques is negotiation by concessions. Through negotiation by concession, the parties can reach an agreement through compromise. Further, mediators can use the technique of creative problem solving, in which the parties work together to develop new ideas to find a solution. Finally, mediators can ensure that the parties negotiate based on interests, not positions.   

10. Termination of mediation: how to successfully conclude a mediation?  

The termination of a mediation usually occurs during the closing phase. In this phase, the parties sign a final document that records the agreement between the parties. It is important for the mediator to make sure that all parties understand and accept the agreement. The mediator can also help the parties create a plan for implementing the agreement and can also help them monitor and enforce the agreement.  

If you are interested in online mediation training, we have the right offerings for you!  
Mediation Training in German at Consensus Campus  
* part-time course to become a certified mediator (m/f/d)   
* Our certified mediation training is designed for people who are professionally involved in conflict resolution and want to complete professional mediation training.   
It is also possible to complete the mediation training in English:   
International Online Mediation Training (English)   
* Internationally certified (International Institute of Mediation)   
* University certified (International School of Management)   
* 40 hours of live online seminars in 12 weeks   
* Experienced conflict experts from business, science, psychology and law as trainers   

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Alexandra Kieffer

Alexandra Kieffer

Alexandra Kieffer is a certified mediator with a background of peace and conflict studies and responsible for international networks and training and happy to answer all your questions.

Dr. Andrea Hartmann-Piraudeau

Dr. Andrea Hartmann-Piraudeau is an international certified mediator and conflict expert with a broad international network and many years of experience in mediation and ADR. She is responsible for curriculum and research.