فقط چند جای خالی، باقی مانده است! امروز برای دوره بین المللی و معتبر آموزش میانجیگری ما، ثبت نام نمایید.

IMI, ISM University and SIMI Certified Training

Constantin-Adi Gavrilă

International mediator, CEO ADR Center Romania


Constantin-Adi Gavrilă received his constitutional law PhD from the University of Craiova with emphasis on “Mediation and Access to Justice” and is a well-known Romanian mediator with 20 years of experience in the field of dispute resolution.

Adi is ADR Center’s Senior Mediation Expert, co-founder and CEO of ADR Center Romania. He served as Co-Chair of the Independent Standards Commission convened by the International Mediation Institute (IMI) for ten years between 2007 and 2017. In his practice of mediation, mediation training or mediation development consultancy work, Adi has a substantial level of experience as a mediator, a strong understanding of general mediation theory and practice and excellent skills in effective using of the mediation process and techniques. Given his academic degrees in both engineering and law, Adi brings to the table a unique mindset that proved to be particularly useful in designing process or structure and covering content and substance.

He has mediated hundreds of family, civil and commercial disputes, both domestic and international, including multi-party, company–community cases, specific to the development context, in principle related to the environmental and social outcomes of development projects (i.e. energy, infrastructure, agribusiness, transportation). He is working with the Office of the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (CAO), the independent recourse mechanism for IFC and MIGA, the private sector lending arms of the World Bank Group. He has also been appointed as International Mediator Expert by the Independent Project Accountability Mechanism (IPAM), the accountability mechanism of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and by Complaints Mechanism (CM), the independent accountability mechanism for European Investment Bank (EIB). The Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM) for the Green Climate Fund (GCM) and the Council of Europe European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) selected Adi as well in their panels of international mediation experts.

Since 2002, Adi supported as trainer, facilitator and international senior expert projects on the development of ADR and mediation, primarily located in Eastern Europe, Middle East, West and Central Asia, and in North America, Africa and the Caribbean. The projects include policy development, mediation legislation, design and establishment of public or private mediation providers or capacity building for mediators, advisors, referrals, users or system influencers (i.e., academics, policymakers). He has worked with international donors, governments and domestic organizations from more than 25 countries. For example, Adi led the mediation component of the EU-funded project, “Support further development of Alternative Dispute Resolution services and Specialized Courts in Azerbaijan”. In this capacity, Adi and the ADR Center team trained and mentored 29 mediation trainers and hundreds of mediators while contributing to various other activities focused on strengthening the mediation activity in Azerbaijan.

Adi is a very skilled mediation trainer. In his career, he trained more than 1500 mediators in Romania and abroad. This experience includes basic and advanced mediation training, as well as training mediation trainers. His knowledge, skills, and practical experience, wrapped in a gentle, open, honest and supportive style, received the highest marks in his trainees’ feedback. He is also very comfortable using online communication technology for training, considering his initial technical academic education.

Adi likes to teach and write and is a lecturer for two Romanian universities. He authored and co-authored numerous books, book chapters and scientific articles. His projects were edited and published by local and international publishing houses, including Oxford University Press, Kluwer Law International or Bloomsbury Professional. He is also a permanent contributor to the Kluwer International Mediation Blog.

Among other awards, Adi was honoured with the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) International Development Committee’s 2009 Outstanding Leadership Award for outstanding contributions to international conflict resolution. Adi is a JAMS International Fellow and holds an IMI international mediation certification.

Starts 25 آگوست 2022
Led by Constantin-Adi Gavrilă
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Registration Ended

What role do dispute resolution and mediation play in assessing development project impacts and providing access to remedy? This webinar will discuss how accountability mechanisms of development banks use mediation principles in their dispute resolution practice to address company-community concerns around public and private sector projects financed by development banks.

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She founded Consensus Group a German well known service provider for mediation in 2014 and in line with that later the International Campus.
Dr Adeyemi Agbelusi is Principal Partner, Berean Associates involved in resolving disputes throughout Nigeria and other Jurisdictions.