فقط چند جای خالی، باقی مانده است! امروز برای دوره بین المللی و معتبر آموزش میانجیگری ما، ثبت نام نمایید.

IMI, ISM University and SIMI Certified Training

International Experts in Online Mediation Training and Certification

International Mediation Campus (IM Campus) is the leading institute for online mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Training, based in Europe. At IM Campus, you can build your expertise and become a certified mediator within 12 weeks or 1 week intensive via our 40 hours certified mediation online training. We also offer tailored training packages via online/in person delivery for larger groups looking to train together.


We offer an IMI (International Mediation Institute) certified international mediation training. The course meets international standards (40 hours of training). After the successful completion of the training, you are an IM Campus certified international mediator and eligible to become IMI qualified. After the training, you can be listed on the IM Campus and IMI homepage as a mediator. Our international mediation training is also certified by the International School of Management (ISM), a business school based in Germany. After successful completion of the training, participants receive a certificate issued by the ISM and CONSENSUS.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to train people to become Mediators and to enable Mediators from all over the world to deepen their knowledge and to be conflict resolvers who will make a difference in the world. They will help to transform conflict in their workplace, families, communities, or legal systems and be ambassadors of mutual solutions and peace.

A high quality of training is our focus. We believe that a mix of practical and scientific approaches and international dimensions given by our trainers and participants from all over the world leads to excellence in Mediation Profiles. The more people we train with the skills of mediation and negotiation, the more constructive social dialogue will arise.

Therefore, we are reaching out with different programs to multiple and specific target groups. We believe that access to future oriented skills like mediation should not depend on from where you come from. We want to give equal access to participants regardless of their financial means, culture and native language.

Where we come from

CONSENSUS GROUP is a well-known mediation and consulting company based in Stuttgart, Germany with a focus on mediation, ADR, leadership and organisational development.  Our team of more than 15 mediators and experts for ADR and conflict resolution from different professional backgrounds provide mediation and other conflict resolution processes across all industries, different organisations and individuals.

CONSENSUS CAMPUS is our institute for high standard  mediation and ADR training offering advanced courses to become a certified mediator provided by face-to-face seminars in different German cities such as Stuttgart, Hamburg, Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt. Our 120 hours mediation training programs are provided in German language. The mediation training certificates awarded are recognised and in great demand. Our training programs are conduced according to German mediation law and internationally certified (IMI).

Our Training Offers

International Online Mediation Training

For those who want to become an internationally certified mediator. Participants and trainers meet live and have interactive and engaging training sessions. The sessions contain theoretical input, discussions, mediation simulations, exercises, peer group work and 60 hours of self-study material.


For those who want to learn the basics about mediation and ADR. Our Self-Study Mediation Resource pack contains 60 hours of videos, input, reading resources, reflection tasks, researching tasks, writing tasks and more carefully selected self-paced material, for you to study at your own pace and get certified.

Masterclasses in Mediation and ADR

For those who want to improve their conflict management and mediation skills. Participants and trainers meet live and have interactive and engaging training sessions. The sessions focus on different specialised areas such as negotiation, conflict at workplaces, coaching skills and more for those who want to dig deeper.

Watch Professionals Mediate

For those who want to practice their mediation skills in organised simulations. Participants and trainers meet live and have interactive sessions with a hands-on approach. The sessions include - meet the mediator, watch a mediation simulation, and ask questions and exchange ideas with experts.


For those who want to explore the content of our courses before registering. Our online webinars offer you the opportunity to hear from experts in conflict resolution, mediation and alternative dispute resolution who share their knowledge, experiences and give insights into their work and research.

نحوه برگزاری دوره

For those who want to train their team in conflict management and mediation skills. Teams who want to train together in negotiation, communication and conflict resolution skills can enrol on our team training where participants and trainers meet live and have interactive and engaging sessions.

Meet our Team

Founder and Managing Director

She founded Consensus Group a German well known service provider for mediation in 2014 and in line with that later the International Campus.

Member of the Management Team, Certified Mediator & Head of Training in the CONSENSUS Team

Alexandra Kieffer began her path to conflict resolution and mediation by studying sociology, economics and the Joint Master Degree "Peace and Conflict Studies" in Germany and England.

Head of Marketing, Communications and Digital Strategy

South Africa
Barbara du Preez-Ulmi holds a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and Communications, and a Postgraduate degree in Advanced Labour Law and Workplace Mediation.

Community Manager and Marketing Associate

Mariana Contreras Leal holds a Bachelor's degree in International Relations and an M.A. in Global South Studies, with a focus on culture, society, and politics. As the Community Manager and Marketing Associate at Consensus Group, she thrives in bringing people from all around the world together. She has also completed her mediation training.

Course Manager

Seylendra Steiner holds a Bachelor's degree in Business, Economics, and International Relations. She is currently pursuing an M.A. in Development Studies with a focus on conflicts. At IMC, she is responsible for the coordination and management of courses. Additionally, she has completed her mediation training.

Course Management

Sri Lanka
Amrah Minzar, currently sitting for the Attorney-at-Law Examinations at Sri Lanka Law College. An LLB (Hons) Graduate with a Second Upper from Staffordshire University UK.