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المعهد الدولي للمحاسبين الإداريين وجامعة ISM وجامعة SIMI للتدريب المعتمد

Conflicts as part of Society

Posted 17 يوليو 2022

Conflicts are part of our society – whether at the international level between states, in politics, in civil society between companies, at the workplace or in the family. Our society needs conflict, but in the form of constructive dialogue. In order to create constructive dialogue out of destructive conflict, skills are needed to initiate it in different settings; at work, in the family, in the neighbourhood and community.

Mediation Training

In order to train experts in the field of conflict resolution, corresponding competences are taught and trained in mediation trainings. Training to become a mediator is offered in different countries all over the world – also in Europe.

Mediators are trained in one language, one country. However, mediation does not only take place within one language, culture and country.

Erasmus+ Project

The European Union is funding a unique, innovative initiative through an Erasmus+ project with the vision and goal of training European mediators. The idea is that participants from different European countries can learn together, exchange in a diverse environment of different languages, cultures, experiences and insights and then work together on cross-national or cross-cultural conflicts. Diversity is understood as a resource from which future European mediators can draw and learn to understand – in exchange with each other.

Project Partners

The project was initiated and applied for by Dr Andrea Hartmann-Piraudeau, Executive Director of CONSENSUS, parent company of International Mediation Campus), mediator and trainer: “Position against position means escalation. In order to initiate constructive dialogue and self-determined conflict resolution, we need skills and techniques. We are not born with these, we tend to advise instead of listen and to argue instead of understand. In a mediation training you learn this among other things- for me an important step towards conflict prevention on different social levels and highly important in Europe.”

CONSENSUS, parent company of International Mediation Campus) is the leading institution of the Erasmus+ project and works together with mediation institutes from the Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, Portugal, Italy and Ireland to create a European mediation training: Hungary Foundation and Mediation Centre, Hungary; Associozione Med.Dia.Re., Italy; Dialogue BV, Netherlands; Centuri Mediacji Partners, Polska, Poland; ICFML, Portugal; Centre of Arbitration and Mediation of Europe (CAME), Italy; Mediators’ Institute of Ireland (MII), Ireland; Bundeswehr University, Germany. Different contents, legal situations, formats and expertise from 7 different European countries are creating a new European format to train experts in mediation and conflict resolution.

European Mediation Training

The training consists of 160 hours. Each module takes place in a different mediation institute: Amsterdam, Warsaw, Stuttgart, Lisbon, Budapest, Turin. Each partner takes on one of the 6 modules and focuses on specific topics, which are taught through online units and face-to-face sessions in a hybrid course format. Trainers from all 6 training institutes teach. The first and last modules are compulsory on-site. All other classroom events can also be followed online.

In May 2022, the pilot project started with the pioneers and first European mediators. Module 1 took place in Amsterdam, Module 2 in Warsaw and Module 3 will take place at Consensus in Stuttgart. The participants come from 10 different European countries and were chosen through a complex selection process. The group is unique in its diversity: whether age, culture, language, profession, experience, 25 individuals from all over Europe come together to learn with and from each other.

This EU-funded project makes a relevant contribution to the European community and society: after completing the training, our European mediators can work together as co-mediation teams and deal with conflicts for which the understanding of different languages or cultures is needed. Examples are cross-border conflicts or conflicts in intercultural teams.

Journey through Europe to become an European Mediator

  • Module 1: Introduction “Conflicts”, Communication Techniques
    • Amsterdam, Netherlands – on site
    • 19 – 21 May 2022 (3 days)
  • Module 2: Principles and phases of mediation
    • Warsaw, Poland – hybrid
    • 23 to 25 June 2022 (3 days)
  • Module 3: Positions vs. interests, mediation techniques
    • Stuttgart, Germany – hybrid
    • 21 to 23 July 2022 (3 days)
  • Module 4: Developing options, solutions and agreement
    • Lisbon, Portugal – hybrid
    • 22 to 24 September 2022 (3 days)
  • Module 5: Creative methods and challenges in mediation
    • Budapest, Hungary – hybrid
    • 20 to 22 October 2022 (3 days)
  • Module 6: Psychological aspects in mediation and conclusion
    • Turin, Italy – on site
    • 24 to 26 November 2022 (3 days) and
    • 27 November 2022 – final examination for European Mediator.

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ألكسندرا كيفر

ألكسندرا كيفر هي وسيطة معتمدة ذات خلفية في دراسات السلام والنزاعات، وهي مسؤولة عن الشبكات الدولية والتدريب، ويسعدها الإجابة على جميع أسئلتكم.

سيليندرا شتاينر

سيليندرا شتاينر حاصلة على درجة البكالوريوس في إدارة الأعمال والاقتصاد والعلاقات الدولية. وتسعى حالياً للحصول على درجة الماجستير في دراسات التنمية مع التركيز على النزاعات. وهي مسؤولة في المركز الدولي للأعمال التجارية عن تنسيق وإدارة الدورات التدريبية.