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RAFFLE: International Mediation Campus Scholarships at the Bucerius Law School

Posted 20 Nov 2024

It gives us great pleasure that the International Mediation Campus (IMC) has again been chosen as a preferred partner for the Bucerius Mediation Competition by Bodenheimer 2024. 

Celebrating its 10th anniversary, we support this competition with a great offer to all participants. Participating as a sponsor for the 4th year running affords us the opportunity to offer 7 scholarships to our sought-after, internationally accredited mediation and conflict resolution trainings.

If you are interested in deep – developing your skills in mediation on a global scale, don’t miss this unique chance of winning a scholarship.

To enter, simply add your details to the form below. CONSENSUS Group, which holds IMC, will choose winners through this raffle. To qualify, entries must be complete.  The scholarships are not transferable, they cannot be redeemed for cash and terms and conditions apply. 

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Mais informações

Bucerius Mediation Competition

The Bucerius Mediation Competition by BODENHEIMER is an international mediation competition organised by students of Bucerius Law School every year since 2015.

Member of the Management Team, Certified Mediator & Head of Training in the CONSENSUS Team

bandeira da Alemanha
Alexandra Kieffer iniciou o seu caminho para a resolução e mediação de conflitos ao estudar sociologia, economia e o Mestrado Conjunto "Estudos de Paz e Conflitos" na Alemanha e Inglaterra.

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