لم يتبق سوى أماكن قليلة متاحة! سجّل اليوم في دورتنا المعتمدة دولياً في مجال الوساطة.

المعهد الدولي للمحاسبين الإداريين وجامعة ISM وجامعة SIMI للتدريب المعتمد

Why do I need mediation and negotiation skills?

Posted 5 يناير 2022

Mediation and Negotiation Training

Do you have New Year’s resolutions? Are you looking for new challenges in your personal or professional life?

If you are a

Negotiator or Consultant and struggle with tough situations and facing manipulation

Manager and struggle with conflicts in your team and as a result there is a tense atmosphere

lawyer and struggle with enlarging your portfolio on the market and finding new clients and strategies

a member of a NGO or an association and struggle with never ending discussions in your gatherings and blockade due to conflicts

a mediator by nature and people always entrust their conflicts to you and struggle with techniques to stay neutral and strong emotions

a pioneer and want to support mediation around the world and you struggle with finding an education system accessible to anyone

this training is for YOU.

What do I take away from a mediation and negotiation training?

Our international online mediation training is internationally certified (IMI). It comprises 40 hours live online sessions and 60 hours self-taught units. Our trainers are based in over 20 different countries and bring expertise from various fields of negotiation and mediation.

Due to our fair price system (participants pay according to the purchasing power of their country of residence) the groups are truly international. Professional backgrounds and experiences of the group are diverse and lead to an interesting and enriching exchange.

“It’s so useful to do a course like this in an international setting with people from different backgrounds. Because we all have different communication styles and I just found that that really enhanced the class.” (Marguerite, Canada)

“We need these courses because this has not only changed our perspectives – I believe our perspectives rather than mine. It was not only helpful in professional life – obviously we’ll be certified mediators and we’ll be making it as a profession – but somewhere I feel that this has also helped us in upgrading ourselves. (Akshay, India)

“I’m not a practitioner yet, I’m still a student and from the perspective of a student, my takeaway was, within this course, that it is not enough for you to study books.” (Mazyar, Iran)

“I want to also appreciate the variety of the lecturers and the students. It’s been very interactive, and I really, really appreciated the content. Initially when I started, I thought “OK, we’ll just come in and listen”, but I see how everybody gets into character whenever we had to do discussion. This has really, really helped me in learning. I want to particularly say how appreciative I am of learning how to listen effectively and being able to ask open-ended questions.” (Bassey, Nigeria)

“Also, regarding technical aspects, you were always so responsive, and everything went great. I think that also can really make or break a course. Also, the fact that you were able to sustain it for so long is really impressive for me. And I really appreciated the depths of the course in terms of not being a too intellectual course, but something that really took you into all directions. And I think the thing I’m most appreciated is being able to get personal tips from the teachers.” (Banu, Turkey)

“Thank you so much, it’s been an impactful journey for me. And also a reflective process for the work that I do. And getting to meet the rich expertise in the house has been the beautiful gift that I received during this course.  And I think the knowledge that I have received here will go along way to work out so many solutions people who are facing difficulty at this moment in the crisis (in Cameroon). I am fully engaged in community work and meditation is something that I use every day.” (Adah, Cameroon)

“You can help people to have an agreement if you are well trained. What I saw here in my country (Peru) influenced my pre-perception of mediation. I was involved in two mediations as a party because here in my country we have obliged mediation. There I saw mediators reading some newspapers during mediation. Now I know that, if you are properly trained, you can help people in the mediation process and that this can work here as well.” (Felix, Peru)

“I thoroughly enjoyed meeting all the people – everyone from such diverse backgrounds. It feels like a privilege to be amongst this group.” (Michelle, South Africa)

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ألكسندرا كيفر هي وسيطة معتمدة ذات خلفية في دراسات السلام والنزاعات، وهي مسؤولة عن الشبكات الدولية والتدريب، ويسعدها الإجابة على جميع أسئلتكم.

سيليندرا شتاينر

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